August 3-5, 2018 – Fonte Cerreto, L’Aquila, Italy
- All the participants to the YWC races must be selected by their National teams according to the Olympic rules
- Every National Federation can select a maximum of four participants for every category, but with a maximum of 18 participants per National team
- Organizers must host for every participant Country a minimum of six athletes and one team manager (accommodation, breakfast, lunch and dinner), from the day before the first race (Vertical) to the day after the last race (Sky) for four nights from Thursday evening to Monday morning
*The cost for every extra athlete and/or accompanying person will be approximately 55€/day (TBC) for hotel bed & breakfast, lunch and dinner included.

- The 3rd Edition of the Youth Skyrunning World Championship will be held in Italy, on August 3-5, 2018 at Fonte Cerreto (L’Aquila).
- National teams must communicate their official participation and the number of athletes divided by category by April 3, 2018.
- National teams must communicate the names of the athletes by July 27, 2018.
- Teams must arrive within the day before the first race (Vertical) and stay until the day after the last race (Sky), from Thursday evening to Monday morning (minimum 4 nights).
- The Vertical will be held on Friday, August 3, afternoon with an individual start at least every 20 seconds. Every category will be separated by a minimum time interval of five minutes, starting from YA, YB and U23 Women, and YA, YB and U23 Men.
- The Sky race will be held on Sunday, August 5, morning, with a mass start. The YWC SkyRace will be separated by at least 30 minutes from other eventual open races on the same course.
- The official 2018 Youth Championships categories are three:
a. Youth A (16-17 years): born from January 1, 2002 to December 31, 2001
b. Youth B (18-19-20 years): from January 1, 2000 to December 31, 1998
c. U23 (21-22-23 years): from January 1, 1997 to December 31, 1995 - Medals (gold, silver and bronze) will be awarded to women and men for the Vertical, Sky and Combined (sum of Vertical + Sky times) and for the overall Team ranking (considering the medals).
- The Sky distance will be shorter for the YA category (ie: 15 km) and 20-21 km for the YB and U23 categories.
- Other information regarding transfers from and to the Rome – Leonardo Da Vinci – Fiumicino Airport (FCO), opening and closing ceremonies, doping controls, pasta parties and all the other activities will be communicated.
The teams and participants should be communicated to by April 3, 2018.
For info: