The 10th International Skyrunning Federation General Assembly was held on July 28th, 2017, concomitant with the Youth Skyrunning World Championships over the same weekend in the Principality of Andorra.
Two thirds of the members, either directly or by proxy, were represented at the meeting, hosted by ISF Andorra Member, Federaciò Andorrana de Muntanyisme (FAM) in the Office du Tourisme of Massana. The assembly was chaired by Silvio Calvi, Vice President, International Relations, and Marino Giacometti, President.
The meeting was attended by Thomas Kähr from Switzerland, a board member of the UIAA (International Climbing and Mountaineering Federation) of which ISF is a unit member. In his speech, Kähr who was attending a skyrunning event for the first time, expressed his appreciation for the spirit on which skyrunning competitions are based, “We are a family with the same spirit and love for the mountains,” he said.

Giacometti reported on the 2016 activities which included the highly successful Skyrunning World Championships held in Vall de Boí, Spain and the first Youth Skyrunning World Championships in Abruzzo, Italy. He also reported on the first case of doping encountered and the competent management by the Medical Commission in association with the UIAA Commission.
He further reported on the expansion of the Skyrunner® World Series and the Vertical Kilometer® World Circuit managed by SkyMan SA, Geneva and the need to address the National Series and Championships.
An important item on the agenda which provoked animated discussion was the revision of the ISF Rules, specifically the definition of the Ultra discipline parameters. Consensus was finally found on the proposed change to limit the distance between “50 and 99 km with 3,200m minimum vertical climb and a maximum finish time under 16 hours”. The time limit was recommended by Dr Sergio Giulio Roi, head of the Medical Commission, principally to avoid sleep deprivation. The limit not only protects the participants’ well-being and safety, but also acts as a defining line between skyrunning and trail running.
Accounts for 2016 were approved by the assembly, following the positive report from the auditors and information was giving on the current financial situation for 2017. The 2018 budget was approved.
Finally, the addition of two new national members from distant lands were approved: Thailand and Afghanistan – highlighting the important role of sport – even in a troubled country.

The same day and the following Sunday, the second Youth Skyrunning World Championships took place represented by 16 countries, double the 2016 number, where Spain, Italy and Switzerland took the medals.