August 2-4, 2019 – Fonte Cerreto, L’Aquila, Italy
- All those wishing to participate in the Youth Skyrunning World Championships must be selected by their National Member
- Every National Member can select a maximum of four participants for every category, with a maximum of 18 participants per team
- Organisers must host for every official country represented, a minimum of six athletes and one team manager (accommodation, breakfast, lunch and dinner), from the day before the first race (Vertical) to the day after the last race (Sky) for a total of four nights from Thursday evening to Monday morning
*The cost for every extra athlete and/or accompanying person will be approximately € 55/day (TBC) for hotel bed & breakfast, lunch and dinner included.

- The fourth edition of the Youth Skyrunning World Championships will be held in Italy, on August 2-4, 2019 at Fonte Cerreto (L’Aquila).
- National teams must communicate their official participation and the number of athletes divided by category by April 5, 2019.
- National teams must communicate the names of the athletes by July 14, 2019.
- Teams must arrive the day before the first race (Vertical) and stay until the day after the last race (Sky), from Thursday evening to Monday morning (minimum 4 nights).
- The Vertical will be held on Friday afternoon, August 2, with an individual start at least every 20 seconds. Every category will be separated by a minimum time interval of five minutes, starting from YA, YB and U23 Women, and YA, YB and U23 Men.
- The Sky race will be held on Sunday morning, August 4, with a mass start. The YWC SkyRace will be separated by at least 30 minutes from other eventual open races on the same course.
- The official 2019 Youth Championships categories are three:
a. Youth A (16-17 years): born from January 1, 2002 to December 31, 2003
b. Youth B (18-19-20 years): from January 1, 1999 to December 31, 2001
c. U23 (21-22-23 years): from January 1, 1996 to December 31, 1998 - Medals (gold, silver and bronze) will be awarded to women and men for the Vertical and Sky titles and Combined title (based on the sum of Vertical + Sky ) and for the overall Team Ranking (based on the medal count).
- The Sky distance will be shorter for the Youth A category (ie: 16 km) and 20-21 km for the Youth B and U23 categories.
- Other information regarding transfers to and from Rome – Leonardo Da Vinci – Fiumicino Airport (FCO), opening and closing ceremonies, doping controls, pasta parties and all the other activities will be communicated at a later date.
Teams and participants should be communicated to: by April 5, 2019.
For info: