The formula is open to individual athletes and national teams only for Asia-Pacific Championships.
European, South American and North & Central American Championships are open only to Official National Teams.
– An individual ranking system will be implemented in each race
– The Combined Continental Champion title is based on the best two results in VERTICAL and SKY disciplines only when disputed in the same venue.
– National ranking will be based on the individual points accrued by the top four athletes (at least one per gender) in each race, ie 3M+1W, 2M+2W, 1M+3W.
– Only official members of official teams will be counted for the National ranking.
– Titles and medals will be awarded to individuals. Nations will receive medals only where all disciplines are disputed.
– A minimum of two free entries per discipline are available for each Official National Team, selected by the ISF member nation.
– Slots are reserved to runners competing in the Continental Championships
– Teams can present up to 6 athletes per discipline, with maximum four athletes of the same gender. Possible maximum distributions are: 4M+2W or 3M+3W or 2M+4W.
For Official team registrations, please write to