How to get the label

Following an in-depth analysis, the ISF has developed a system to identify and award skyrunning races with a certificate and label.
Organisers of skyrunning races can request the Certified Course certificate, valid for three years, and relative Certified Course label (CC label).
The certification is based on a number of parameters, together with the GPX course data and an exclusive algorithm.
Essential factors for Course Certification
- Average incline
- Altitude
- Distance
- Terrain
- Uphill sections
- Vertical climb

- Organiser completes online form
- Organiser provides GPX course profile, photo and/or video
- ISF analyses GPX track elaborated with dedicated algorithm
- ISF establishes the technical level of the course and rules
Races that receive ISF approval and pay the designated fee will receive the Certified Course certificate and relative CC Label. The race will then be included in the annual list published here. Races that don’t meet the minimum requirements will not be included.

Certified Course Label benefits
- Homologation certificate
- Label for your website
- Inclusion on the official Certified Course (CC) list. The list has filters divided by continent, country, category and technical difficulty
- Evaluation of technical difficulty
- Faculty to bid for international skyrunning championships and circuits
- Access to #MYSKYRACE plan and dedicated insurance policies
- Inclusion on the ISF official ranking
Certified Course Label costs
- € 200 flat fee for evaluation and first year
- € 100 flat fee for Vertical Kilometer® courses
- Subsequently, €100 annual fee to maintain the status and benefits
(This fee does not include eventual fees to the National Member).
To have your race course recognised as a Certified Course (CC) and receive the CC Label, please fill in the online form here.