Pos. | Athlete | Gender | Nationality | Time |
1 | manuel merillas moledo | M | Spain | 03h29'43"19 |
2 | martin anthamatten | M | Switzerland | 03h31'01"59 |
3 | ruy ueda | M | Japan | 03h32'47"80 |
4 | gianluca ghiano | M | Italy | 03h37'39"50 |
5 | andreas steindl | M | Switzerland | 03h37'52"55 |
6 | luka kovacic | M | Slovenia | 03h40'49"25 |
7 | dimas pereira obaya | M | Spain | 03h45'23"38 |
8 | lorenzo beltrami | M | Italy | 03h48'50"12 |
9 | danilo brambilla | M | Italy | 03h52'29"25 |
10 | alain santamaría blanco | M | Spain | 04h01'59"35 |
11 | anastasia rubtsova | F | Russia | 04h04'20"82 |
12 | marcel romaní rodés | M | Spain | 04h06'42"49 |
13 | louis dumas | M | France | 04h07'57"39 |
14 | gabriel knaze | M | Slovakia | 04h11'42"25 |
15 | lucas mouret | M | Andorra | 04h13'39"97 |
16 | holly page | F | Great Britain | 04h17'01"88 |
17 | naiara irigoyen indave | F | Spain | 04h24'38"23 |
18 | hubert schwaiger | M | Germany | 04h27'46"38 |
19 | pessey iris | F | France | 04h28'47"45 |
20 | miroslav hraško | M | Slovakia | 04h29'09"82 |
21 | marcus neumann | M | Germany | 04h29'35"05 |
22 | therese dahl arvik | F | Norway | 04h36'10"81 |
23 | niklas holz | M | Germany | 04h36'16"22 |
24 | mathias margreiter | M | Austria | 04h37'43"62 |
25 | karl midlane | M | Germany | 04h38'57"17 |
26 | ewoud laudy | M | Netherlands | 04h39'52"68 |
27 | markus gruber | M | Austria | 04h40'06"13 |
28 | irene schachinger | F | Austria | 04h40'21"14 |
29 | vojtěch růžek | M | Czech Republic | 04h41'21"15 |
30 | simon krautloher | M | Germany | 04h44'01"47 |
31 | jasper mannaert | M | Belgium | 04h46'35"67 |
32 | aitor navarro hita | M | Spain | 04h47'45"04 |
33 | artem lobach | M | Russia | 04h47'51"83 |
34 | johannes habel | M | Germany | 04h50'43"89 |
35 | johannes mahl | M | Germany | 04h55'12"02 |
36 | isabell speer | F | Austria | 04h55'25"14 |
37 | lova chechik | M | Great Britain | 04h56'18"80 |
38 | shranky van den bossche | M | Belgium | 04h57'26"07 |
39 | máté dalos | M | Hungary | 04h57'50"45 |
40 | kevin stroek | M | Netherlands | 04h58'19"27 |
41 | maarten paulissen | M | Belgium | 04h58'47"11 |
42 | robin kaptein | M | Netherlands | 04h59'44"73 |
43 | felipe isaza | M | Colombia | 05h00'27"99 |
44 | david frank | M | Germany | 05h00'40"06 |
45 | jannes krauter | M | Germany | 05h01'13"00 |
46 | matthias mangertseder | M | Germany | 05h01'14"77 |
47 | andreas dill | M | Germany | 05h05'14"60 |
48 | rens nijman | F | Netherlands | 05h15'30"44 |
49 | sonia amat valero | F | Spain | 05h16'50"88 |
50 | paul gabriels | M | Netherlands | 05h17'09"08 |
51 | julien coutaut | M | France | 05h18'24"35 |
52 | sonja kinna | F | Germany | 05h18'53"91 |
53 | pierre perrot | M | France | 05h19'33"18 |
54 | casper van der putten | M | Netherlands | 05h22'54"27 |
55 | hannah kilgenstein | F | Germany | 05h23'34"59 |
56 | angelika eckl | F | Italy | 05h26'42"52 |
57 | helmar fasold | M | Germany | 05h28'47"04 |
58 | mark walraven | M | Netherlands | 05h29'36"28 |
59 | luuk wijering | M | Netherlands | 05h30'33"08 |
60 | jeroen matthes | M | Netherlands | 05h32'18"80 |
61 | maria müller | F | Germany | 05h32'21"72 |
62 | simon lang | M | Germany | 05h33'49"30 |
63 | hanno zandee | M | Netherlands | 05h34'56"30 |
64 | sascha ahrens | M | Germany | 05h39'19"03 |
65 | jakub ksinan | M | Slovakia | 05h40'00"79 |
66 | antoniya grigorova | F | Bulgaria | 05h42'31"15 |
67 | ernest pattijn | M | Belgium | 05h43'22"66 |
68 | philipp secker | M | Germany | 05h43'46"53 |
69 | leon bettenhausen | M | Germany | 05h45'32"72 |
70 | daniel höner | M | Germany | 05h45'32"73 |
71 | nicolas koch | M | Germany | 05h45'37"60 |
72 | rainer märkle | M | Germany | 05h46'08"53 |
73 | philipp seyboth | M | Germany | 05h46'10"14 |
74 | camille compère | F | Belgium | 05h46'48"74 |
75 | rob loos | M | Belgium | 05h47'05"53 |
76 | fabian lacher | M | Germany | 05h47'13"08 |
77 | emile roels | M | Belgium | 05h50'03"58 |
78 | jim rothweiler | M | Netherlands | 05h50'46"64 |
79 | judith meskers | F | Netherlands | 05h51'07"02 |
80 | sander vandendriessche | M | Belgium | 05h51'07"78 |
81 | jimmy wiericx | M | Belgium | 05h55'01"73 |
82 | andreas meingast | M | Austria | 05h57'03"36 |
83 | christian schrempf | M | Austria | 05h59'32"15 |
84 | lukas keller | M | Switzerland | 05h59'37"89 |
85 | chun kit chan | M | Hong Kong, China | 06h03'05"68 |
86 | jordi ripoll | M | Spain | 06h05'10"76 |
87 | moritz kruska | M | Germany | 06h05'47"57 |
88 | rogier wouters | M | Netherlands | 06h05'48"70 |
89 | tobias weinfurtner | M | Germany | 06h07'08"36 |
90 | lukas schenk | M | Netherlands | 06h07'25"52 |
91 | niklas brandstätter | M | Austria | 06h12'12"33 |
92 | daniel janicki | M | Germany | 06h13'44"92 |
93 | tomasz kopcewicz | M | Poland | 06h17'16"90 |
94 | ties mens | M | Netherlands | 06h17'23"56 |
95 | helen roberts | F | Great Britain | 06h21'41"62 |
96 | jörg kretzschmar | M | Germany | 06h23'26"47 |
97 | anna meyer | F | Germany | 06h23'57"03 |
98 | sven katoele | M | Netherlands | 06h25'17"55 |
99 | jan roelstraete | M | Belgium | 06h25'34"83 |
100 | rené haas | M | Austria | 06h25'40"96 |
101 | florian könig | M | Germany | 06h26'45"02 |
102 | jaïr stroeve | M | Netherlands | 06h26'50"39 |
103 | anna jansen | F | Germany | 06h26'55"52 |
104 | sander van de putte | M | Belgium | 06h27'39"41 |
105 | florian weinfurtner | M | Germany | 06h32'25"39 |
106 | shane gielty | M | Belgium | 06h33'33"41 |
107 | alexander adler | M | Germany | 06h44'25"35 |
108 | elia rudolf | M | Germany | 06h46'01"41 |
109 | stefan kappeler | M | Germany | 06h50'56"11 |
110 | daniel sedlacek | M | Czech Republic | 06h56'57"78 |
111 | christoph mehnert | M | Germany | 06h58'16"15 |
112 | felix ebert | M | Germany | 06h58'59"13 |
113 | annika schiminski | F | Germany | 06h59'00"30 |
114 | kristina kmetova | F | Slovakia | 07h01'05"87 |
115 | fernando cubillo | M | Spain | 07h06'41"09 |
116 | kim beerhorst-hilkman | F | Netherlands | 07h09'22"28 |
117 | tobias meyer | M | Germany | 07h12'26"78 |
118 | pavel ruzek | M | Czech Republic | 07h14'45"25 |
119 | benjamin dreier | M | Germany | 07h15'59"36 |
120 | petter thörne | M | Sweden | 07h16'24"16 |
121 | daniel kvasnička | M | Czech Republic | 07h38'10"00 |
122 | ethan wolyniec | M | France | 07h42'16"18 |
123 | thomas gruber | M | Austria | 07h47'44"54 |
124 | krystian ciepak | M | Poland | 08h26'51"37 |
Pos. | Athlete | Nationality | Time |
1 | manuel merillas moledo | Spain | 03h29'43"19 |
2 | martin anthamatten | Switzerland | 03h31'01"59 |
3 | ruy ueda | Japan | 03h32'47"80 |
4 | gianluca ghiano | Italy | 03h37'39"50 |
5 | andreas steindl | Switzerland | 03h37'52"55 |
6 | luka kovacic | Slovenia | 03h40'49"25 |
7 | dimas pereira obaya | Spain | 03h45'23"38 |
8 | lorenzo beltrami | Italy | 03h48'50"12 |
9 | danilo brambilla | Italy | 03h52'29"25 |
10 | alain santamaría blanco | Spain | 04h01'59"35 |
11 | marcel romaní rodés | Spain | 04h06'42"49 |
12 | louis dumas | France | 04h07'57"39 |
13 | gabriel knaze | Slovakia | 04h11'42"25 |
14 | lucas mouret | Andorra | 04h13'39"97 |
15 | hubert schwaiger | Germany | 04h27'46"38 |
16 | miroslav hraško | Slovakia | 04h29'09"82 |
17 | marcus neumann | Germany | 04h29'35"05 |
18 | niklas holz | Germany | 04h36'16"22 |
19 | mathias margreiter | Austria | 04h37'43"62 |
20 | karl midlane | Germany | 04h38'57"17 |
21 | ewoud laudy | Netherlands | 04h39'52"68 |
22 | markus gruber | Austria | 04h40'06"13 |
23 | vojtěch růžek | Czech Republic | 04h41'21"15 |
24 | simon krautloher | Germany | 04h44'01"47 |
25 | jasper mannaert | Belgium | 04h46'35"67 |
26 | aitor navarro hita | Spain | 04h47'45"04 |
27 | artem lobach | Russia | 04h47'51"83 |
28 | johannes habel | Germany | 04h50'43"89 |
29 | johannes mahl | Germany | 04h55'12"02 |
30 | lova chechik | Great Britain | 04h56'18"80 |
31 | shranky van den bossche | Belgium | 04h57'26"07 |
32 | máté dalos | Hungary | 04h57'50"45 |
33 | kevin stroek | Netherlands | 04h58'19"27 |
34 | maarten paulissen | Belgium | 04h58'47"11 |
35 | robin kaptein | Netherlands | 04h59'44"73 |
36 | felipe isaza | Colombia | 05h00'27"99 |
37 | david frank | Germany | 05h00'40"06 |
38 | jannes krauter | Germany | 05h01'13"00 |
39 | matthias mangertseder | Germany | 05h01'14"77 |
40 | andreas dill | Germany | 05h05'14"60 |
41 | paul gabriels | Netherlands | 05h17'09"08 |
42 | julien coutaut | France | 05h18'24"35 |
43 | pierre perrot | France | 05h19'33"18 |
44 | casper van der putten | Netherlands | 05h22'54"27 |
45 | helmar fasold | Germany | 05h28'47"04 |
46 | mark walraven | Netherlands | 05h29'36"28 |
47 | luuk wijering | Netherlands | 05h30'33"08 |
48 | jeroen matthes | Netherlands | 05h32'18"80 |
49 | simon lang | Germany | 05h33'49"30 |
50 | hanno zandee | Netherlands | 05h34'56"30 |
51 | sascha ahrens | Germany | 05h39'19"03 |
52 | jakub ksinan | Slovakia | 05h40'00"79 |
53 | ernest pattijn | Belgium | 05h43'22"66 |
54 | philipp secker | Germany | 05h43'46"53 |
55 | leon bettenhausen | Germany | 05h45'32"72 |
56 | daniel höner | Germany | 05h45'32"73 |
57 | nicolas koch | Germany | 05h45'37"60 |
58 | rainer märkle | Germany | 05h46'08"53 |
59 | philipp seyboth | Germany | 05h46'10"14 |
60 | rob loos | Belgium | 05h47'05"53 |
61 | fabian lacher | Germany | 05h47'13"08 |
62 | emile roels | Belgium | 05h50'03"58 |
63 | jim rothweiler | Netherlands | 05h50'46"64 |
64 | sander vandendriessche | Belgium | 05h51'07"78 |
65 | jimmy wiericx | Belgium | 05h55'01"73 |
66 | andreas meingast | Austria | 05h57'03"36 |
67 | christian schrempf | Austria | 05h59'32"15 |
68 | lukas keller | Switzerland | 05h59'37"89 |
69 | chun kit chan | Hong Kong, China | 06h03'05"68 |
70 | jordi ripoll | Spain | 06h05'10"76 |
71 | moritz kruska | Germany | 06h05'47"57 |
72 | rogier wouters | Netherlands | 06h05'48"70 |
73 | tobias weinfurtner | Germany | 06h07'08"36 |
74 | lukas schenk | Netherlands | 06h07'25"52 |
75 | niklas brandstätter | Austria | 06h12'12"33 |
76 | daniel janicki | Germany | 06h13'44"92 |
77 | tomasz kopcewicz | Poland | 06h17'16"90 |
78 | ties mens | Netherlands | 06h17'23"56 |
79 | jörg kretzschmar | Germany | 06h23'26"47 |
80 | sven katoele | Netherlands | 06h25'17"55 |
81 | jan roelstraete | Belgium | 06h25'34"83 |
82 | rené haas | Austria | 06h25'40"96 |
83 | florian könig | Germany | 06h26'45"02 |
84 | jaïr stroeve | Netherlands | 06h26'50"39 |
85 | sander van de putte | Belgium | 06h27'39"41 |
86 | florian weinfurtner | Germany | 06h32'25"39 |
87 | shane gielty | Belgium | 06h33'33"41 |
88 | alexander adler | Germany | 06h44'25"35 |
89 | elia rudolf | Germany | 06h46'01"41 |
90 | stefan kappeler | Germany | 06h50'56"11 |
91 | daniel sedlacek | Czech Republic | 06h56'57"78 |
92 | christoph mehnert | Germany | 06h58'16"15 |
93 | felix ebert | Germany | 06h58'59"13 |
94 | fernando cubillo | Spain | 07h06'41"09 |
95 | tobias meyer | Germany | 07h12'26"78 |
96 | pavel ruzek | Czech Republic | 07h14'45"25 |
97 | benjamin dreier | Germany | 07h15'59"36 |
98 | petter thörne | Sweden | 07h16'24"16 |
99 | daniel kvasnička | Czech Republic | 07h38'10"00 |
100 | ethan wolyniec | France | 07h42'16"18 |
101 | thomas gruber | Austria | 07h47'44"54 |
102 | krystian ciepak | Poland | 08h26'51"37 |
Pos. | Athlete | Nationality | Time |
1 | anastasia rubtsova | Russia | 04h04'20"82 |
2 | holly page | Great Britain | 04h17'01"88 |
3 | naiara irigoyen indave | Spain | 04h24'38"23 |
4 | pessey iris | France | 04h28'47"45 |
5 | therese dahl arvik | Norway | 04h36'10"81 |
6 | irene schachinger | Austria | 04h40'21"14 |
7 | isabell speer | Austria | 04h55'25"14 |
8 | rens nijman | Netherlands | 05h15'30"44 |
9 | sonia amat valero | Spain | 05h16'50"88 |
10 | sonja kinna | Germany | 05h18'53"91 |
11 | hannah kilgenstein | Germany | 05h23'34"59 |
12 | angelika eckl | Italy | 05h26'42"52 |
13 | maria müller | Germany | 05h32'21"72 |
14 | antoniya grigorova | Bulgaria | 05h42'31"15 |
15 | camille compère | Belgium | 05h46'48"74 |
16 | judith meskers | Netherlands | 05h51'07"02 |
17 | helen roberts | Great Britain | 06h21'41"62 |
18 | anna meyer | Germany | 06h23'57"03 |
19 | anna jansen | Germany | 06h26'55"52 |
20 | annika schiminski | Germany | 06h59'00"30 |
21 | kristina kmetova | Slovakia | 07h01'05"87 |
22 | kim beerhorst-hilkman | Netherlands | 07h09'22"28 |
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