Pos. | Athlete | Gender | Nationality | Time |
1 | théo detienne | M | France | 02h14'51"00 |
2 | julien rodriguez | M | France | 02h23'11"00 |
3 | louis dumas | M | France | 02h24'26"00 |
4 | joris ougier | M | France | 02h27'11"00 |
5 | louis verhaghe | M | France | 02h28'02"00 |
6 | pierre amedeo | M | France | 02h29'45"00 |
7 | ludovic fernandez | M | France | 02h30'03"00 |
8 | jules delabelle | M | France | 02h35'14"00 |
9 | lucas mouret | M | France | 02h38'30"00 |
10 | thierry mignot | M | France | 02h38'45"00 |
11 | domènec aguilar sala | M | Spain | 02h41'37"00 |
12 | tom aguillana | M | France | 02h42'32"00 |
13 | victor peigné | M | France | 02h49'43"00 |
14 | patrick bailon | M | France | 02h49'56"00 |
15 | kévin gaze | M | France | 02h54'46"00 |
16 | david prades | M | France | 02h55'25"00 |
17 | olivia magnone | F | France | 02h57'51"00 |
18 | corentin babeau | M | France | 02h58'19"00 |
19 | sebastien sarda | M | France | 02h58'32"00 |
20 | loic guenebaut | M | France | 02h59'04"00 |
21 | ivan fryder | M | France | 02h59'23"00 |
22 | júlia garriga ferrer | F | Spain | 02h59'53"00 |
23 | gaudéric maribaud | M | France | 03h02'00"00 |
24 | valérie reynal | F | France | 03h03'14"00 |
25 | jean-baptiste despeyroux | M | France | 03h03'15"00 |
26 | yohan boyer | M | France | 03h04'30"00 |
27 | kevin savary | M | France | 03h05'04"00 |
28 | stéphane bègue | M | France | 03h05'46"00 |
29 | thomas simon | M | France | 03h06'11"00 |
30 | clément martin | M | France | 03h06'33"00 |
31 | eric albert | M | France | 03h06'45"00 |
32 | jean marie bataille | M | France | 03h06'54"00 |
33 | laurence santanac | F | France | 03h07'52"00 |
34 | matthieu honoré | M | France | 03h08'29"00 |
35 | thierry chatron | M | France | 03h09'00"00 |
36 | martin marques | M | France | 03h09'04"00 |
37 | cyril suau | M | France | 03h09'06"00 |
38 | gaetan sanchez | M | France | 03h09'53"00 |
39 | thomas marti | M | France | 03h09'56"00 |
40 | benoit vila | M | France | 03h12'31"00 |
41 | cyril de prost | M | France | 03h14'11"00 |
42 | mathieu comas | M | France | 03h15'12"00 |
43 | hugo autrique | M | France | 03h15'12"00 |
44 | nancy paillarès | F | France | 03h16'05"00 |
45 | fabien marty | M | France | 03h16'32"00 |
46 | sylvain privat | M | France | 03h17'06"00 |
47 | mathieu sabard | M | France | 03h18'45"00 |
48 | leo kopp | M | France | 03h18'57"00 |
49 | loanne roussillon | F | France | 03h20'05"00 |
50 | ludovic blanc | M | France | 03h22'25"00 |
51 | mathieu olive | M | France | 03h23'37"00 |
52 | laetitia seignovert | F | France | 03h23'43"00 |
53 | jérôme coutarel | M | France | 03h24'06"00 |
54 | anaïs riand | F | France | 03h24'12"00 |
55 | jérome auffret | M | France | 03h24'13"00 |
56 | nicolas bollero | M | France | 03h25'28"00 |
57 | luc notom | M | France | 03h25'44"00 |
58 | vincent tournie | M | France | 03h27'38"00 |
59 | franck balastegui | M | France | 03h27'50"00 |
60 | laurent balanca | M | France | 03h27'51"00 |
61 | guillaume baudelocque | M | France | 03h27'53"00 |
62 | laurent oliver | M | France | 03h29'15"00 |
63 | damien calpena | M | France | 03h29'43"00 |
64 | elise loget | F | France | 03h30'42"00 |
65 | sébastien billès | M | France | 03h31'10"00 |
66 | quentin charles | M | France | 03h32'20"00 |
67 | guillaume ribour | M | France | 03h32'47"00 |
68 | jamie phipps | M | France | 03h34'52"00 |
69 | jordan cailloux | M | France | 03h34'52"00 |
70 | benoît jacob | M | France | 03h34'58"00 |
71 | luisa arrabito | F | France | 03h35'04"00 |
72 | mathieu comas | M | France | 03h36'08"00 |
73 | nicolas castan | M | France | 03h37'04"00 |
74 | christophe cazals | M | France | 03h37'47"00 |
75 | christophe bernicot | M | France | 03h39'06"00 |
76 | julien carréro | M | France | 03h39'46"00 |
77 | renaud alexandron | M | France | 03h40'25"00 |
78 | didier rech | M | France | 03h41'33"00 |
79 | claude coll | M | France | 03h44'07"00 |
80 | sebastien tussing | M | France | 03h44'12"00 |
81 | vicenç lerena güell | M | Spain | 03h44'30"00 |
82 | senda gil-gomez | F | France | 03h45'15"00 |
83 | clément lamiri | M | France | 03h47'21"00 |
84 | eric piccioli | M | France | 03h47'36"00 |
85 | camille dubart | F | France | 03h47'37"00 |
86 | raphaël monteil | M | France | 03h47'38"00 |
87 | tom wozniak | M | France | 03h47'43"00 |
88 | bruno comas | M | France | 03h48'16"00 |
89 | adam ulicki | M | France | 03h48'49"00 |
90 | tristan finestre | M | France | 03h48'50"00 |
91 | jorge martins | M | France | 03h51'04"00 |
92 | alain mourot | M | France | 03h51'32"00 |
93 | marine poure | F | France | 03h51'53"00 |
94 | cédric pluchon | M | France | 03h52'01"00 |
95 | jean-marc dancie | M | France | 03h52'30"00 |
96 | maxime batlle | M | France | 03h55'24"00 |
97 | pascal delmas | M | France | 03h58'12"00 |
98 | karine giraux | F | France | 04h01'23"00 |
99 | etienne prost | M | France | 04h01'25"00 |
100 | loane roussillon | F | France | 04h01'31"00 |
101 | frederic pesque | M | France | 04h02'18"00 |
102 | frederic marliere | M | France | 04h03'23"00 |
103 | rodolphe vidal | M | France | 04h03'27"00 |
104 | laurence maqueda | F | France | 04h03'35"00 |
105 | didier sartre | M | France | 04h04'12"00 |
106 | bruno manant | M | France | 04h04'28"00 |
107 | jérome debot | M | France | 04h05'18"00 |
108 | ludovic gimenez | M | France | 04h05'44"00 |
109 | sidney zohar | M | France | 04h07'28"00 |
110 | joseph didier | M | France | 04h09'27"00 |
111 | julien berthet | M | France | 04h09'34"00 |
112 | stéphanie riere | F | France | 04h11'47"00 |
113 | thibault mabire | M | France | 04h13'55"00 |
114 | stephane llinares | M | France | 04h15'31"00 |
115 | pascal ausina | M | France | 04h16'15"00 |
116 | arnaud carcassonne | M | France | 04h16'17"00 |
117 | nicolas garnero | M | France | 04h16'27"00 |
118 | jean henri soulie | M | France | 04h16'38"00 |
119 | jean cazenove | M | France | 04h16'39"00 |
120 | audrey claire nogues | F | France | 04h16'42"00 |
121 | vincent morleghem | M | France | 04h17'59"00 |
122 | jean-yves hubert | M | France | 04h19'13"00 |
123 | guilhem sunyer | M | France | 04h21'34"00 |
124 | christophe richefort | M | France | 04h24'51"00 |
125 | pierrick nowak | M | France | 04h26'23"00 |
126 | hélène delagoutte | F | France | 04h26'25"00 |
127 | jean-luc allin | M | France | 04h27'50"00 |
128 | francois perez | M | France | 04h27'56"00 |
129 | céline boiteux | F | France | 04h30'29"00 |
130 | nicolas serret | M | France | 04h30'29"00 |
131 | jean louis dufour | M | France | 04h30'30"00 |
132 | hélène roussel | F | France | 04h32'47"00 |
133 | david guasch | M | France | 04h32'52"00 |
134 | florian gau | M | France | 04h33'30"00 |
135 | audrey maqueda | F | France | 04h35'53"00 |
136 | christopher boucrelle | M | France | 04h36'11"00 |
137 | cyril coudray | M | France | 04h36'31"00 |
138 | andré-michel carrasco | M | France | 04h38'20"00 |
139 | clémence dupuy | F | France | 04h38'22"00 |
140 | damien daunis | M | France | 04h40'38"00 |
141 | cynthia castro leiva | F | France | 04h41'55"00 |
142 | alan espada | M | France | 04h42'00"00 |
143 | ariane champetier | F | France | 04h42'04"00 |
144 | pierre guerin | M | France | 04h42'34"00 |
145 | thierry gasparini | M | France | 04h43'21"00 |
146 | cédric eymar | M | France | 04h43'45"00 |
147 | philippe guiramand | M | France | 04h44'46"00 |
148 | etienne lanfrey | M | France | 04h44'52"00 |
149 | emmanuelle pujade | F | France | 04h45'13"00 |
150 | franck gimenez | M | France | 04h48'12"00 |
151 | mickael rodrigues | M | France | 04h48'41"00 |
152 | manuel vico | M | France | 04h48'56"00 |
153 | laëtitia ruiz ledoux | F | France | 04h48'59"00 |
154 | alice carrier | F | France | 04h49'57"00 |
155 | viktor gustafsson | M | France | 04h52'13"00 |
156 | denis mounis | M | France | 04h53'04"00 |
157 | karine quet | F | France | 05h01'32"00 |
158 | sandrine bossard | F | France | 05h04'02"00 |
159 | jerome meyrueix | M | France | 05h07'05"00 |
160 | bruno besalduch | M | France | 05h07'23"00 |
161 | france-may besalduch | F | France | 05h07'27"00 |
162 | jean-patrick rodriguez | M | France | 05h12'57"00 |
163 | jean jacques canonici | M | France | 05h16'00"00 |
164 | laurent ferrante garrabe | M | France | 05h20'24"00 |
165 | yannick bonin | M | France | 05h20'51"00 |
166 | herve dalle | M | France | 05h20'53"00 |
167 | jean dupuy | M | France | 05h29'03"00 |
168 | patrick pélissier | M | France | 05h40'57"00 |
Pos. | Athlete | Nationality | Time |
1 | théo detienne | France | 02h14'51"00 |
2 | julien rodriguez | France | 02h23'11"00 |
3 | louis dumas | France | 02h24'26"00 |
4 | joris ougier | France | 02h27'11"00 |
5 | louis verhaghe | France | 02h28'02"00 |
6 | pierre amedeo | France | 02h29'45"00 |
7 | ludovic fernandez | France | 02h30'03"00 |
8 | jules delabelle | France | 02h35'14"00 |
9 | lucas mouret | France | 02h38'30"00 |
10 | thierry mignot | France | 02h38'45"00 |
11 | domènec aguilar sala | Spain | 02h41'37"00 |
12 | tom aguillana | France | 02h42'32"00 |
13 | victor peigné | France | 02h49'43"00 |
14 | patrick bailon | France | 02h49'56"00 |
15 | kévin gaze | France | 02h54'46"00 |
16 | david prades | France | 02h55'25"00 |
17 | corentin babeau | France | 02h58'19"00 |
18 | sebastien sarda | France | 02h58'32"00 |
19 | loic guenebaut | France | 02h59'04"00 |
20 | ivan fryder | France | 02h59'23"00 |
21 | gaudéric maribaud | France | 03h02'00"00 |
22 | jean-baptiste despeyroux | France | 03h03'15"00 |
23 | yohan boyer | France | 03h04'30"00 |
24 | kevin savary | France | 03h05'04"00 |
25 | stéphane bègue | France | 03h05'46"00 |
26 | thomas simon | France | 03h06'11"00 |
27 | clément martin | France | 03h06'33"00 |
28 | eric albert | France | 03h06'45"00 |
29 | jean marie bataille | France | 03h06'54"00 |
30 | matthieu honoré | France | 03h08'29"00 |
31 | thierry chatron | France | 03h09'00"00 |
32 | martin marques | France | 03h09'04"00 |
33 | cyril suau | France | 03h09'06"00 |
34 | gaetan sanchez | France | 03h09'53"00 |
35 | thomas marti | France | 03h09'56"00 |
36 | benoit vila | France | 03h12'31"00 |
37 | cyril de prost | France | 03h14'11"00 |
38 | mathieu comas | France | 03h15'12"00 |
39 | hugo autrique | France | 03h15'12"00 |
40 | fabien marty | France | 03h16'32"00 |
41 | sylvain privat | France | 03h17'06"00 |
42 | mathieu sabard | France | 03h18'45"00 |
43 | leo kopp | France | 03h18'57"00 |
44 | ludovic blanc | France | 03h22'25"00 |
45 | mathieu olive | France | 03h23'37"00 |
46 | jérôme coutarel | France | 03h24'06"00 |
47 | jérome auffret | France | 03h24'13"00 |
48 | nicolas bollero | France | 03h25'28"00 |
49 | luc notom | France | 03h25'44"00 |
50 | vincent tournie | France | 03h27'38"00 |
51 | franck balastegui | France | 03h27'50"00 |
52 | laurent balanca | France | 03h27'51"00 |
53 | guillaume baudelocque | France | 03h27'53"00 |
54 | laurent oliver | France | 03h29'15"00 |
55 | damien calpena | France | 03h29'43"00 |
56 | sébastien billès | France | 03h31'10"00 |
57 | quentin charles | France | 03h32'20"00 |
58 | guillaume ribour | France | 03h32'47"00 |
59 | jamie phipps | France | 03h34'52"00 |
60 | jordan cailloux | France | 03h34'52"00 |
61 | benoît jacob | France | 03h34'58"00 |
62 | mathieu comas | France | 03h36'08"00 |
63 | nicolas castan | France | 03h37'04"00 |
64 | christophe cazals | France | 03h37'47"00 |
65 | christophe bernicot | France | 03h39'06"00 |
66 | julien carréro | France | 03h39'46"00 |
67 | renaud alexandron | France | 03h40'25"00 |
68 | didier rech | France | 03h41'33"00 |
69 | claude coll | France | 03h44'07"00 |
70 | sebastien tussing | France | 03h44'12"00 |
71 | vicenç lerena güell | Spain | 03h44'30"00 |
72 | clément lamiri | France | 03h47'21"00 |
73 | eric piccioli | France | 03h47'36"00 |
74 | raphaël monteil | France | 03h47'38"00 |
75 | tom wozniak | France | 03h47'43"00 |
76 | bruno comas | France | 03h48'16"00 |
77 | adam ulicki | France | 03h48'49"00 |
78 | tristan finestre | France | 03h48'50"00 |
79 | jorge martins | France | 03h51'04"00 |
80 | alain mourot | France | 03h51'32"00 |
81 | cédric pluchon | France | 03h52'01"00 |
82 | jean-marc dancie | France | 03h52'30"00 |
83 | maxime batlle | France | 03h55'24"00 |
84 | pascal delmas | France | 03h58'12"00 |
85 | bogaert | France | 04h01'24"00 |
86 | etienne prost | France | 04h01'25"00 |
87 | frederic pesque | France | 04h02'18"00 |
88 | frederic marliere | France | 04h03'23"00 |
89 | rodolphe vidal | France | 04h03'27"00 |
90 | didier sartre | France | 04h04'12"00 |
91 | bruno manant | France | 04h04'28"00 |
92 | jérome debot | France | 04h05'18"00 |
93 | ludovic gimenez | France | 04h05'44"00 |
94 | sidney zohar | France | 04h07'28"00 |
95 | joseph didier | France | 04h09'27"00 |
96 | julien berthet | France | 04h09'34"00 |
97 | thibault mabire | France | 04h13'55"00 |
98 | stephane llinares | France | 04h15'31"00 |
99 | castan | France | 04h15'55"00 |
100 | pascal ausina | France | 04h16'15"00 |
101 | arnaud carcassonne | France | 04h16'17"00 |
102 | nicolas garnero | France | 04h16'27"00 |
103 | jean henri soulie | France | 04h16'38"00 |
104 | jean cazenove | France | 04h16'39"00 |
105 | vincent morleghem | France | 04h17'59"00 |
106 | jean-yves hubert | France | 04h19'13"00 |
107 | guilhem sunyer | France | 04h21'34"00 |
108 | christophe richefort | France | 04h24'51"00 |
109 | pierrick nowak | France | 04h26'23"00 |
110 | jean-luc allin | France | 04h27'50"00 |
111 | francois perez | France | 04h27'56"00 |
112 | nicolas serret | France | 04h30'29"00 |
113 | jean louis dufour | France | 04h30'30"00 |
114 | david guasch | France | 04h32'52"00 |
115 | florian gau | France | 04h33'30"00 |
116 | christopher boucrelle | France | 04h36'11"00 |
117 | cyril coudray | France | 04h36'31"00 |
118 | andré-michel carrasco | France | 04h38'20"00 |
119 | damien daunis | France | 04h40'38"00 |
120 | alan espada | France | 04h42'00"00 |
121 | pierre guerin | France | 04h42'34"00 |
122 | thierry gasparini | France | 04h43'21"00 |
123 | cédric eymar | France | 04h43'45"00 |
124 | philippe guiramand | France | 04h44'46"00 |
125 | etienne lanfrey | France | 04h44'52"00 |
126 | franck gimenez | France | 04h48'12"00 |
127 | mickael rodrigues | France | 04h48'41"00 |
128 | manuel vico | France | 04h48'56"00 |
129 | viktor gustafsson | France | 04h52'13"00 |
130 | denis mounis | France | 04h53'04"00 |
131 | jerome meyrueix | France | 05h07'05"00 |
132 | bruno besalduch | France | 05h07'23"00 |
133 | campa | France | 05h11'07"00 |
134 | jean-patrick rodriguez | France | 05h12'57"00 |
135 | jean jacques canonici | France | 05h16'00"00 |
136 | laurent ferrante garrabe | France | 05h20'24"00 |
137 | yannick bonin | France | 05h20'51"00 |
138 | herve dalle | France | 05h20'53"00 |
139 | jean dupuy | France | 05h29'03"00 |
140 | patrick pélissier | France | 05h40'57"00 |
Pos. | Athlete | Nationality | Time |
1 | olivia magnone | France | 02h57'51"00 |
2 | júlia garriga ferrer | Spain | 02h59'53"00 |
3 | valérie reynal | France | 03h03'14"00 |
4 | laurence santanac | France | 03h07'52"00 |
5 | nancy paillarès | France | 03h16'05"00 |
6 | loanne roussillon | France | 03h20'05"00 |
7 | laetitia seignovert | France | 03h23'43"00 |
8 | anaïs riand | France | 03h24'12"00 |
9 | elise loget | France | 03h30'42"00 |
10 | luisa arrabito | France | 03h35'04"00 |
11 | senda gil-gomez | France | 03h45'15"00 |
12 | camille dubart | France | 03h47'37"00 |
13 | marine poure | France | 03h51'53"00 |
14 | karine giraux | France | 04h01'23"00 |
15 | loane roussillon | France | 04h01'31"00 |
16 | laurence maqueda | France | 04h03'35"00 |
17 | stéphanie riere | France | 04h11'47"00 |
18 | audrey claire nogues | France | 04h16'42"00 |
19 | hélène delagoutte | France | 04h26'25"00 |
20 | céline boiteux | France | 04h30'29"00 |
21 | hélène roussel | France | 04h32'47"00 |
22 | audrey maqueda | France | 04h35'53"00 |
23 | clémence dupuy | France | 04h38'22"00 |
24 | cynthia castro leiva | France | 04h41'55"00 |
25 | ariane champetier | France | 04h42'04"00 |
26 | emmanuelle pujade | France | 04h45'13"00 |
27 | laëtitia ruiz ledoux | France | 04h48'59"00 |
28 | alice carrier | France | 04h49'57"00 |
29 | karine quet | France | 05h01'32"00 |
30 | sandrine bossard | France | 05h04'02"00 |
31 | france-may besalduch | France | 05h07'27"00 |
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